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LightCMS is a content management system for web designers. The site design caught my eye, not sure how it actually stacks up.

Your Votes: 3 Yays  16 Nays

HTML Purifier 3.0 released

HTML Purifier, a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP, is now at version 3.0! Filters HTML in your forms and CMSes for security.

Your Votes: 2 Yays  1 Nays

Automatic versioning of your CSS/ JavaScript files

A look at using PHP to automatically "versioning" your CSS and JavaScript files on your site.

Your Votes: 2 Yays  2 Nays

Accordion Content script

Accordion Content script lets you group arbitrary contents on the page together and reveal them on demand, in an "accordion" fashion. Uses the jQuery framework.

Your Votes: 16 Yays  4 Nays

PortfolioBase showcase

Showcasing great portfolio sites around the world.

Your Votes: 5 Yays  3 Nays

Image Effects Inside Html With swfIR

swfIR allows images inside html codes to be rotated, have rounded corners and shadow effects.

Your Votes: 10 Yays  3 Nays

Photoshop Flower Brushes - 28 Flowers

This is an excellent brush set including 28 flowers.

Your Votes: 16 Yays  5 Nays

Setting up a local web server in Leopard

A walk through on setting up LAMP in Mac Leopard, known to throw a few curve balls.

Your Votes: 6 Yays  5 Nays

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